Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Where's My Inspiration?

It's a cold and cloudy day here in Maryland and I am low on energy.  I've been pretty productive today - got some laundry done, cleaned the basement, cleaned the living room and bathroom, but I'm done.  The weather makes me achy and I'd much rather go back to bed for a few hours.  Instead I get to straighten up my kitchen, bake bread, and start soup for dinner before taking the girls out for trick-or-treating tonight.  I promise I'm not complaining - a few days ago I thought that I'd be doing all of this without power!  I am so thankful that we came through Hurricane Sandy with a little roof damage and leakage and power on!  Last year after Hurricane Irene paid us a visit we went almost a week without power.  So, as I sit here struggling with a topic, where's my inspiration? 

Some days the words come pouring out of me at a rate that's almost scary.  I might work on a Bible study lesson, a book idea, blog posting, and an article in the same day.  I love those days!  Even though the housework might lag a bit, I feel productive and fulfilled.  Days like today where the menial stuff gets done, but my creative juices are a bit dry bug me.  I feel irritable and annoyed that I can't get the words right.  This is not a day to sit down with my new book idea and play - all my efforts would end up in the garbage. 

What do you do when you lack inspiration?  Do you have a tried-and-true method that pulls you out of the mess and gets your brain working again?  I have to find a way to end the funk when I'm stuck - usually reading some of my Bible reading plan will help, as well as sitting down and forcing the issue.  I can always work on my blog if my book's not cooperating, or start researching for my next Bible study lesson without actually writing the text out yet.  How often do I actually do that?  Unfortunately not as often as I should.  I'm much more likely to let myself get distracted with other things: reading a good book, checking Facebook, playing games on the tablet, and so many other things. 

I think the answer for most of us is finding a good balance.  I can't write 24/7.  It's not practical - I have a very busy, active family that needs my attention a good chunk of the time, and a home that demands attention from me on a regular basis.  I can, however, make the time that I have to write count instead of hemming and hawing and distracting myself with other things.  I also have to remember to sit down and pray about it - how do I expect to share any of God's words if I don't ask Him to help? I always find it funny when I finally remember to pray about it because the words and ideas start coming... most of the time!  There are some days I think His message to me is, "Stop already - it's not the right day for writing!"  I'm just a bit slow on the uptake and don't get it right away. 

I encourage you to keep trying even when the inspiration well is drying up.  Say a quick prayer and see what God has in store for you today!

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