There are some great ideas expressed in this simple message, and they're really hitting me today. I was joking with some wonderful girlfriends last week about patience, because we all know what happens when we ask God for help with it - he provides the opportunity to use it! Most moms aren't real excited for the opportunity to exercise more patience, but we certainly do need the help. How often does he send answers through opportunities? He gives us the opportunity to work, to help others, to become strong, and to resolve problems. Too bad we often see these opportunities as the troubles and not the solution!
How often do we miss blessings in our lives because we don't see God's answers? Think about all that God does for you every day. How many of his answers go completely over your head because you were expecting something different?
We miss out on so much that God has prepared for us because we continue to look at things through the world's glasses. When we stop and see a situation through God's lenses we can see his provision for us. Try to see God's opportunities in your situation. I have a feeling he's sending blessings your way - more than you can imagine!