Saturday, May 11, 2013

I'm Proud to be a Nurturing Mom!

I recently read a Time article titled: "Viewpoint: Is Mother's Day Sexist?" The author is concerned with the messages we send this time of year. Why do we thank moms for being nurturing, gentle, and soft when just a month later we thank dads for their strength and good examples? Why can't moms be the role model and dads the nurturers?

Let me share a paragraph from the article with you:
"Of course, there is not a thing wrong with children saying thank you for all those cuddles and comfort, or for expressing gratitude for models of strength and responsibility. These are all lovely sentiments. The question is: why in 2013, are we still dividing all these traits by gender? It’s insulting to both women and men and it has less and less to do with contemporary American families. Dads can be nurturers. Moms can be role models. Many, of course, already are."

Read more:

My answer to this article is NO - Mother's Day is not sexist! I am proud to be a soft place for my children to fall, and I have no problem with my place in their lives. God made me different from Charles, just like he made all men and women different. Does this mean men can't nurture? No, of course not, but it's not the natural instinct of most guys. We thank our dads for their strength, example, and character because these are the things dads should be teaching us. My girls are learning what a man is supposed to be like by watching their father. He is the spiritual leader in our home... and I am perfectly fine with that! Why do we feel the need to steal identity from each other? Why is it undesirable for me to be a woman with womanly traits and characteristics? God has good reasons for what he does and he didn't mess up when he gave each sex different strengths and weaknesses. 

I find it interesting that my womanly traits mix with Charles' manly traits and make a complete set of parents for our girls. How sad is it that we can't celebrate that as a society?  I will spend tomorrow with my family, enjoying time together and celebrating my 11 years as a mom. I will be proud of the fact that I nurture my girls and teach them how to be Godly young women. I encourage you to do the same with your children! Let's send our own message this year - we are proud to be nurturing moms! 

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