Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Who Needs A Break?

I was kind of surprised to learn that my girls needed a break this year.  Over the last several years, we have tried soccer, swimming, fencing, and dance.  Not all at the same time, but one or two each year.  I thought they had fun and enjoyed it until last year at dance.  I started getting a clue that maybe it was too much when my kindergartener Morgan got off the bus feeling fine, but mysteriously developed a stomach ache right before dance; or maybe it was Abby, my second grader, bursting into tears every Thursday night before dance.  I may be a bit dense, but even I figured out that they weren't having fun anymore!  Their Daddy and I certainly weren't enjoying ourselves either - who enjoys sitting in a parking lot by yourself for an hour waiting?  But, we finished  out the year and I gave them the summer to think about what they might like to do. 

When I brought up the topic of what activities they were interested in trying this year, Emily, my oldest, asked, "Mommy, can we just take a break this year?  I don't want to do anything."  This was followed with a resounding chorus of "Me, too!" from Abby and Morgan.  It got me to thinking that our kids sometimes need a break from responsibilities and "real life" just like we do.  Here I thought we were doing them such a favor - offering all these really cool activities for them to try out - but they just want to come home and play with their friends.  We will still attend church activities, and there are clubs at school they want to participate in, but my calendar has significantly cleared for the year and my girls are much happier! 

What do you do when you need a break?  I usually find a comfy chair, a good book, and a cup of coffee and escape into someone else's world for a while.  It gives me a chance to recharge and build back up.  What things help you reset your brain?  For some it's a walk outside, watching a movie, or any number of things.  It's different for each one of us, which is how God intended it.  I often beat myself up for needing a break from things, but I have to remember Jesus needed breaks too.  More than once he retreated to a quiet place where he could recharge and reconnect with His Father. 

I am trying to get better about taking quiet time with God, letting Him speak to me in His special way.  It's hard to do that when you have 5,000 other things flitting through your mind, so it's quite an exercise to clear the mind and listen. But when I do, it's the best, most spiritually productive time - more than I could ever ask for or expect.  It doesn't take much, just a quiet room and open mind.  He's always waiting for us to take that step and seek Him out. 

1 comment:

  1. Amanda, we were just dealing with this same topic in our household this week! It is so true how quickly the schedules can fill up!
